improve resilience !

improve resilience !

w could we be more capable in the face of adversity?

As I have pointed out previously, even though early experiences and the personality factors that are established in adolescence are two guides that will mark our capacity for adaptation and resilience in certain aspects, there are things we can do to minimize the factors of risk and increase protectors in situations of stress and suffering.

Coming out of adverse situations strengthened may imply that in the future, faced with a situation that awakens the same feelings of frustration, sadness, anger, or hopelessness, we can react differently, write a story with a different ending.

To improve our resilience, we need to strengthen the qualities that allow us a cheerful adaptation in a situation of adversity or suffering.

We probably have more developed qualities than others; the ideal would be to balance or reinforce those aspects that we need without trying to cover all, and what is very important, at our own pace.

These changes need to start perhaps with the first one, to know ourselves a little better and how we deal with painful or traumatic situations.
Resilience can be acquired, but always at our own pace, without anxiety
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The eight qualities or attributes of the resilient person
Infographic 8 attributes of resilience

Self-knowledge and self-esteem
Positive coping with adversity
Present awareness and optimism
Flexibility + Perseverance
Tolerance of frustration and uncertainty
  1. Self-knowledge and self-esteem of the resilient person Self-knowledge is a potent weapon, and resilient people know how to use it to their advantage. Knowing what our main strengths and abilities are, as well as limitations and weaknesses, setting more objective and realistic goals, and identifying the aspects in which we can improve is a direct way to strengthen our self-esteem and self-confidence.
    In addition to knowing each other, a resilient person recognizes the importance of teamwork and knows how to ask for help when they need it.
    Self-knowledge allows us to improve our ability to recognize and express emotions. Especially at times when we are suffering, this is an excellent way to deal with painful situations.
    It also allows us to identify emotions of rage or anger that are causing us to behave in an unhealthy way.
    It is observed that more excellent cognitive activity and greater intellectual capacity increase resilience, not only emotional but also of neurons, and the most natural part of coping with stress. The person with more excellent knowledge of himself and reality can more effectively process and deal with trauma and stressors.

Please get to know each other and better understand our reality to process and elaborate on difficult situations

  1. Empathy and resilience Empathy is the ability to understand the other and put ourselves in their place, understand their feelings, through understanding our own. It is a resilient habit, which allows us, for example, to separate thought from the action when we feel angry with someone we love.
    When we have empathy, the flow of giving and receiving affection in relationships with others is more significant, which increases our social network of support. A significant point to be a resilient person.
  2. The autonomy of the resilient person The belief that one can influence what happens around them, losing the fear that things happen due to injustice or causes beyond our control. This will strengthen our self-esteem and mobilize us towards resolving conflicts that would otherwise become chronic in time.
  3. Coping with adversity Facing adversity with humor is typical of resilient people. Being able to laugh at adversity and pull a joke out of difficult situations helps us overcome them and stay strong and optimistic in the face of uncertainty. This does not mean that in the middle of a funeral we have to use humor in an obligatory way, but that once that painful situation has passed, we can remember that person in funny moments, that we look for happy times that we spend with them or We even remember something funny that he used to say or do.
    A focus on the positive in a situation opens up paths that were previously hidden.
    Avoid constant complaints.
    The belief that one can learn from their experiences, whether positive or negative, allows us to continue growing and maturing throughout life.
    Resilience is one of the essential capacities in life. This is the ability of the human being to overcome adverse circumstances.
    rsity in its existence. For example, they were mourning the death of a loved one, an unexpected job dismissal, heartbreak, a period of loneliness, or suffering. Despite the pain experienced, the person is reborn to joy through an ability to reinvent himself by giving a constructive sense to reality from the vision of learning.

In this article in Psychology-Online, we address this question: “Resilient people: examples and characteristics.” Every human being has this quality since, in addition, nobody knows how he is going to react to a particular situation until he experiences it in practice.
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Ten characteristics of the most resilient people
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Ten characteristics of the most resilient people

Here we describe the main points that are part of resilience:

Social network of friends and family

Resilient people do not close in on themselves. They are autonomous. However, they do not make this proactive attitude individualistic self-sufficiency, but they nourish their lives with the affective bonds of collaboration and affection. That does not mean that one person is more resilient than another because of having more people close by. What is genuinely definitive is the quality of the bond and the constructive influence of that environment on the protagonist.

A creative inner world

When the external reality shows its less friendly side, the protagonist can attend to the reading of the facts and take refuge in that universe that he cultivates through self-knowledge, art, reading, positive thinking, emotions, and life felt through one’s point of view. They are people who do not stay on the surface of things but reach the depth of being.

Adaptation to change

When reality changes, even when this alteration of external factors has occurred against the will, the protagonist positions himself before a map of reality that experientially involves him. Resilient people carry out this process of change with the support of that social network described above.

Emotional intelligence

In adversity situations, contradictory feelings can occur, and there is room for feelings related to sadness. A resilient person does not cover this emotional reality but integrates it into her life, giving space to listen to that information that has a message to express. Therefore, we can affirm that emotional intelligence is a characteristic of the most resilient people.

  1. They look to the future

It is impossible to make vital changes by focusing on yesterday since the past is already written. Resilient people look to tomorrow with hope and focus on the present. For example, new goals are set to be achieved.