Benefits of mushrooms for the body

Benefits of mushrooms for the body

Shiitake is described in Asia as an “elixir of life,” and its fame among those who seek longevity, sexual vigour, and physical endurance has not stopped growing to this day.

Although shiitake began to be cultivated in America and Europe (especially Holland and Britain), where it can now be found fresh in grocery stores, the largest production comes from Asia. This mushroom is therefore usually sold in a dry form. This does not alter its unique taste because, even in Asia, many connoisseurs appreciate the dry form more because of its more pronounced taste. The popularity of shiitake depends not only on its gastronomic qualities but also on its medicinal virtues. It is especially rich in lentinan, a complex sugar that has strong anticancer activity.
Benefits of the Shiitake Mushroom

Chinese medicine is one of the most widely used medicines in shiitake mushrooms. He uses it to enhance the energy or energy of the human body and the energy of the blood. It also imparts sweetness and the stomach as an associated organ.
Make you young

For Chinese medicine, it is a kind of food that can lead a long and healthy life. It can also treat many health problems – it is used to treat infections, liver disease, fatigue, kidney disease, and even cancer.
Strengthens the immune system

Shiitake mushroom extract can strengthen the immune system and is helpful for bacterial and viral infections (including AIDS).

Its administration positively affects the influenza A2 virus and can reduce lung lesions by more than 40%.

Lentinan is not only an immunostimulant; it also reduces the fat content in the blood and has antibiotic, antiviral and antithrombotic effects.

EP3 lignin can strengthen the immune system and, combined with lentinan, has achieved positive results in the control and resistance of HIV. It also has antiviral activity against herpes simplex and hepatitis B.

KS-2 is another polysaccharide that can increase interferon production and inhibit the growth of Ehrlich and Sarcoma 180 tumour cells.

One of the more than 50 enzymes in shiitake mushrooms is superoxide dismutase, reducing lipid peroxidation and affecting cell ageing. It also protects against cancer.

Different studies have observed benefits in other areas, for example, in preventing cardiovascular diseases or protecting the liver from damage caused by chemicals or autoimmune reactions.
Shiitake mushrooms in the kitchen

Its aroma is strong, with earthy, caramel and nutmeg flavours. Its flavour is umami. Therefore, it has meaty and smoky flavours.

Fresh shiitake mushrooms are preferred. Once they are cooked, they are very soft in texture.

To prepare them, you must leave them soaking for at least 5-6 hours.

If you add them to soups or stews, you should leave them longer since their texture is somewhat hard.

Once hydrated, like freshwater, very fibrous feet must be removed. They can then be fully cooked, cut into limbs or thinly sliced.

If they are ground, they can be used without soaking.

Shiitake mushrooms can be used in almost all cooking methods:

The aroma is acidic after steaming.
 Sauteed, you only need to heat to distribute its flavour, do your best
  Frying increases its flavour and roasting ability.
  The stew or stew is integrated into the team through a personal style.

Its texture is slightly rubbery but tender and juicy. You can use it in any recipe.

It has an excellent effect on doughs used for croquettes, hamburgers, breadcrumbs or scallops. Its texture and flavour combined with soy sauce, beans or tofu can produce a very palatable effect, similar to soft meat.

Mushrooms: properties, benefits and way of consumption

In addition to their great taste, mushrooms have a host of health benefits and advantages. Do you want to discover what they are? In that case, continue reading this article where we reveal the most relevant information about this food.

What are mushrooms?

We call mushrooms a type of fruiting body of different fungi. They are characterized by having the shape of “umbrellas” or “hats.”

About 250,000 species of mushrooms are known, of which about 1,000 are attributed curative properties. Of the latter, its healing power has only been demonstrated with scientific studies in over a hundred.

Despite being part of the plant world, they cannot be included as vegetables and greens because their properties and characteristics are very different. These beings seem to be halfway between the vegetable and the animal because they do not have chlorophyll and need light to develop.

Properties of mushrooms

Including mushrooms in our diet is a good option. This is because this food, so characteristic of autumn and winter, is rich in many minerals and vitamins.

One of the main reasons many people have decided to include them in their diet regularly is their low caloric intake. This is due, in part, to its high water content.

In addition, they provide a greater amount of protein in percentage compared to other vegetables.

Next, we show you its nutritional value per 100 grams:

25 kilocalories.
1.8 proteins.
4 carbohydrates.
2.5 fibre.
0 cholesterol.

Benefits of mushrooms for the body

According to some studies, these foods help prevent chronic diseases such as hypertension and obesity.
They provide insoluble fibre. What favours intestinal transit and cleaning this part of the digestive system.
They have high satiating power and, as we have mentioned before, they are low in calories. This makes it a recommended food for weight reduction diets.
They contain powerful antioxidants. For example, glutathione and ergothioneine are found in mushrooms in greater amounts than in other foods. They exert their antioxidant effect on polyunsaturated fatty acids on cell membranes.
They reduce blood cholesterol. Some types of mushrooms are rich in linoleic acid, that is, an omega-6 fatty acid. Therefore, we can say that they reduce harmful metabolic cholesterol.
They constitute an important contribution of nutrients. Thus, they are rich in minerals: iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium and vitamins: A, B1, B2 and B3, C and D.
They reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. They have a low sodium intake so that it positively affects blood pressure. Of course, for this benefit to be maintained, you will have to avoid adding too much salt when you cook them.
They stimulate the immune system due to their high content of beta-glucans, polysaccharides that favour the formation of macrophages that attack viruses, bacteria and other pathogens and are being investigated as possible cancer treatments.

Recommendations for consumption

Before consuming this food, you should take into account some considerations:

Remember that they are high in soluble fibre. This feature can cause digestion to be heavier. Ideally, it would be best to consume them in small amounts, for example, as a garnish.
Buy your mushrooms only in regulated markets. Otherwise, you could pose a risk.
This product must always be well packaged and identified.
Pick only those that look good. They cannot have a rough or wrinkled texture, much less be sticky.