Pumpkin benefits

Pumpkin benefits : it brings health !

The consumption of pumpkin, thanks to its low sodium content, can help prevent the appearance of chronic diseases such as hypertension, avoid the retention of liquids and, due to its carotenoid content, improve the functioning of the retina, as reported by nutritionist Valeria González on the occasion of the celebration of ‘Halloween.’ Likewise, he continues, l …

It is magnificent for your skin.

Food is essential for strong and healthy skin. One of the benefits of pumpkin is that it is one of those great foods for your skin to be healthy, and, in principle, it is due to its richness in vitamin A.

Vitamin A works as an all-natural sunscreen for the skin. That is, it prevents the sun’s UV rays from causing damage to your skin cells and their integrity.

Vitamin C in pumpkins is also an essential nutrient for the skin, and it is because it plays a fundamental role in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen will be necessary for your skin to acquire volume, flexibility, smoothness, and uniformity.

The antioxidants in pumpkin also protect your entire skin from free radicals and oxidative damage. These antioxidant qualities are vital to slow the aging process and counteract some signs of it.

It is helpful to accelerate muscle recovery.

Due to its magnesium content, one of the benefits of pumpkin is that it will help you in the muscle recovery process. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for multiple processes such as nervous regulation, muscle relaxation, energy production in the body, etc.

According to research carried out, consuming magnesium after a solid physical activity is vital for the muscle to recover more quickly since it stimulates the relaxation of the muscle fibers.

In addition, magnesium is essential during exercise because it is distributed throughout the body to meet some metabolic needs. Therefore, you must consume foods rich in magnesium after training because you have already depleted your reserves.

Fight constipation

Finally, one of the benefits of squash for being rich in dietary fiber and water is that it is a great food to combat constipation. Fiber is necessary to contribute to better intestinal transit and more regular bowel movements.

Water, for its part, contributes to better digestion and softens the stool. Together, the water and the fiber helps to ensure that the texture and size of the stools are adequate so that you do not present problems with constipation.

Now that you know its benefits, it is time for you to know the contraindications of pumpkin.

Pumpkin contraindications


Pumpkin Contraindications Pumpkins belong to the least common food group to develop allergic reactions. However, one of the contraindications of pumpkin is that some people develop reactions characterized by skin rashes, sneezing, chest pain, shortness of breath, etc.

Increased diuresis

Due to its high water content, one of the contraindications of pumpkin is that excessive consumption can increase diuresis and make us go to the bathroom. It is not harmful at all if we must take it into account.

What kinds of pumpkins are there?

They were born in the American continent from the cucurbit family but now exist throughout the world. This vegetable comes in the most varied sizes, sizes, and colors. Its peel can vary between orange and green, and the pulp also appears in a very light yellow, whitish, and dark orange.

Among the varieties available in our country, we can find bolina squash, or small squash, with orange pulp that comes both flat and elongated. Bitter gourd, sometimes confused with the first one, is a pear-shaped coat and light hazelnut color.

The Hokkaido squash, of Asian origin, is also found here, it is round and flat, its rind can be red, pink, bronze, green, or intense orange, and its orange pulp has little juice, but it is charming when cooked with the skin, the flavor is even more decadent.

Finally, the Gila or chila, perfect for sweets and jams, has a smooth rind stained green and white. It has pulp with white threads and black seeds.

In addition, preserving the pumpkin is very simple: if it is whole, it is enough to store it in a dry and dark place.
Pumpkin is a large berry that is commonly round and deep yellow or orange. The rind is thick and hard, while it’s interior contains seeds and pulp.

Not only is it a popular vegetable to decorate our homes on Halloween, but it also provides numerous healthy properties for the body. Here are some of the benefits of consuming pumpkins daily.

Half a serving of pumpkin has many vitamins and nutrients to boost our immune system: alpha-carotene, beta carotene, vitamins A and B, and iron.

Pumpkin provides ideal carotenoid antioxidants to protect your vision, reducing the risk of age-related cataracts and macular degeneration associated with vision loss.

Pumpkin is a good source of potassium, which keeps your cells, muscles, and nerves in good working order. Healthy potassium levels also help keep your blood pressure under control and reduce your stroke or heart disease chances.

A diet rich in carotenoids can reduce the risk of breast cancer and lung cancer.

Given its calcium content, pumpkin helps improve bone formation and protect you from rheumatoid arthritis.
health benefits of pumpkins that you did not know
In Curiosities

In this article, we talk about the benefits of pumpkins, as many have asked us, and I wanted to share the answers with all of you. At the end of the article, I also leave you with how to make roasted seeds, some ideal pipes for snacking.

After Halloween night and the pumpkin decorations, many of my friends asked me what I was going to do with so many pumpkins that I would throw them away. I immediately replied that I was going to use them all in different recipes.

One of them told me that why they spent work cooking pumpkins if their highest content was water. And it was from that moment and the conversation turned into an open class about the benefits of pumpkins because, among my friends, there are doctors, dietitians, physical trainers, cooks, and others who, although they do not have degrees have two fingers in the forehead.

The knowledge that we gained that day about the benefits of pumpkins, I believe that helped us all to appreciate this gift of nature in its fair measure.

Here are reasons for the benefit of pumpkins:

You will feel fuller

Pumpkin seeds contain up to 1.7 grams of fiber, and pumpkin puree has up to 3 grams of fiber per cup. Why is this important? First, it is recommended to consume 30-50 grams of fiber a day; unfortunately, most people only consume half of that amount or less.

Don’t worry. Having some pumpkin in your diet regularly puts you on the right track to meet your dietary fiber needs. Second, eating pumpkin increases satiety and helps you feel fuller for longer by slowing digestion and regulating blood sugar levels.

Pumpkin benefits

You will sleep better

Another benefit of pumpkins is that it is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid converted to serotonin, which can also explain the drowsiness after Thanksgiving. Serotonin is the “feel-good” neurotransmitter that helps you sit up, relax, and fall asleep.

You will have a healthy heart

Increasing your fiber intake can also help protect you from heart disease, according to research. A study of more than 67,000 thousand women in 10 years shows that a high fiber diet reduces the risk of heart disease.