The Apgar test is a scale whose objective is to obtain an initial assessment of the adaptation to the extrauterine...
Shiitake is described in Asia as an “elixir of life,” and its fame among those who seek longevity, sexual vigour,...
Thus, the paleo diet recommends foods higher in protein and fat, such as meat and fish, but does not neglect...
Various factors are capable of progressively increasing the evaporation of water from the corneal surface and causing a faster thinning...
Dry eye syndrome is a disease whose number of cases has been increasing in recent years due to a large...
Family planning refers to the different practices that help individuals or couples avoid unwanted births, promote desired births, regulate the...
With the symptothermal method, the woman measures her waking temperature (basal temperature) every morning before getting up and examines the...
Paleo diet, how to start? The reduction of carbohydrates, especially those from grains, corn, and legumes, causes certain people states...
For these reasons, do not smoke during pregnancy or after the birth of your baby, and do not allow others...
Salt is one of the most common minerals on the planet. Its use in cooking enhances the flavors of food...
Since they began to be studied, biomarkers constituted a quantifiable and useful instrument to identify pathogenic processes, biological processes, and...
Symptoms that warn you that you are taking too much salt The vast majority of people consume too much salt....